Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long will my job take?
To answer this question, you need to solve the equation
t = (D * A) / I.
t = time (sec)
D = dose (C/cm^2)
A = exposure area (cm^2)
I = beam current (A)
For example, if dose = 250uC/cm^2, exposure area = 1cm^2, and beam current = 2nA, then the time to complete the exposure will be 34.7 hours!!
Note: exposure area is the area that the beam actually exposes and NOT just the X & Y sides of the perimeter of your chip multiplied together.
Click here for a program to calculate exposure time.
2. What is the shot pitch I need to use?
Normally, you would use the minimum shot pitch allowed by the system. If your pattern spans across more than one sub-field, make sure that the shot pitch
you select is a divisor of the sub-field size (4um by default). If your pattern
spans over more than one field, make sure that the shot pitch is also
a divisor of the field size (500um by default).
Click here for a program to calculate the minimum shot pitch.
3. How much dose will I need to expose my line?
4. What are the UNIX commands I need to know?
ls - list files in current folder
cd directory1 - change to directory directory1
cd - changes to home directory if there is no argument to "cd"
cp file file2 - copy file1 to file2
rm file1 - remove/delete file1
& - the "&" at the end of any command forks the process to run in the background
pwd - list the present working directory
more documentation can be found here
5. What are the directories where the pattern and job files are stored?
/usr/users/eb0/ebtest/pattern/ - pattern directory
/usr/users/eb0/ebtest/job/ - job directory