		The Electron Beam Lithography Facility at the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
		of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
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ma-N 2403 Process:

1. 2500RPM, 30sec spincoat ma-N 2403 gives 300nm thickness
2. 90C hotplate for 1 min
3. expose (base dose for greater than 1um features is 400uC/cm2)
4. 70sec immersion develop MF-319 (2.5% TMAH w/ surfactant)
5. 1 min gentle flowing DI water rinse

To remove ma-N 2403:

1. soak in Acetone (~15min)


2. O2 plasma

for metal liftoff process:

1. soak in 1165 Remover (NMP) at 80C for 1 hour
2. may also require ultrasonic bath for 5 - 15 min

Electron Beam Lithography Facility
Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
Georgia Institute of Technology