		The Electron Beam Lithography Facility at the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
		of the Georgia Institute of Technology.
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Positive tone resists will be removed in the beam exposure area. Negative tone resists will remain in the beam exposure area.

Positive Tone Electron Beam Resists:

PMMA (950k MW)

Negative Tone Electron Beam Resists:

HSQ (hydrogen silsequioxane, H-SiQ, XR-1541)
ma-N 2403
    ma-N is a polymer and is useful for liftoff processing on glass because ma-N can be removed with organic solvents whereas HSQ needst to be removed with BOE (HF) and this undesirably aslo attacks the glass substrate. ma-N is also exposable by DUV wavelengths. However, ma-N generally has lower resolution than HSQ and ma-N can also have adhesion problems.

    maN-2403 dose sensitivity curve

Electron Beam Lithography Facility
Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
Georgia Institute of Technology