Electron Beam Lithography Training |
We prefer that individuals be trained to operate the Elionix ELS-G100 themselves, whether they be
researchers within Georgia Tech, from other academic institutions, or from a company. We can also be contracted to perform work for you.
The first step to being trained is to attend a training session which can be requested on the sums.gatech.edu website.
Electron Beam Lithography Rates
Elionix ELS-G100 usage costs:
The following charges apply when an individual operates the ELS-G100.
| Georgia Tech Researchers | | $60/hr + overhead |
| Other Academic Researchers | | $60/hr + overhead |
| Industrial Rate | | $90/hr + overhead |
What is overhead?
Overhead costs are actual facility and administrative costs to the university that directly support research at Georgia Tech. For more information see: https://osp.gatech.edu/rates
Materials and Supplies:
$25.00/mL - ZEP520A
$30.00/mL - ESpacer
$49.22/g - Au pellets
The following additional charges apply when an individual is not trained to operate the ELS-G100 and staff perform the work instead.
| Academic Rate | | $100/hr + overhead |
| Industrial Rate | | $100/hr + overhead |
Overhead rates are as follows:
category | FY20 | FY21 |
non-USG Universities and non-DOD federal | 57.8% | 58.2% |
DOD | 62.0% | 64.6% |
Industry | 63.8% | 64.6% |
For more information about these overhead rates please see: https://osp.gatech.edu/rates